Forest eco-systems
Forest eco-systems cover a considerable area of the National Park – above 3800 ha, which constitutes 83% of the Park area. Dominating types of habitats refer to coniferous habitats covering almost 98% of the Park area. Forest habitats cover slightly above 2% of the forest area of the Park and they occur in bigger patches in the basins of the Ostrowite Lake and the Charzykowskie Lake, above the lakes: the Dybrzk Lake, the Jeleń Lake, the Wielkie Krzywce Lake and the Małe Krzywce Lake and in narrow strips along Struga Siedmiu Jezior (the Seven Lakes Stream).
The following phytocenoses have been reported on the area of the Park:
- lichen Scots pine forest Cladonio-Pinetum, covering 23% of the area of land habitats
- young pine forest Leucobryo-Pinetum, covering 47% of the area of land habitats
- marshy pine forest Vaccinio-uliginosi Pinetum, with the share in land environments slightly exceeding 0.5%
- Vaccinio uliginosi-Betuletum pubescentis, with 0.2% of the land area of the Park
- Ribeso nigri-Alnetum, whose share does not exceed 0.5% of the land area of the Park
- Fraxino-Alnetum, with a small share (0.02%).
The occurrence of other phytocenoses such as for instance Betulo-Quercetum roboris, Molinio-Pinetum or Stellario-Carpinetum, is considered to be of fragmentary nature or in the form of deformed phytocenoses.