Bory Tucholskie National Park

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Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej
Fundusze Europejskie

Tasks and purposes

The strategic purpose of environmental protection of the “Bory Tucholskie” National Park is to preserve a unique in Poland and Europe sandur and lake types of the landscape with its natural biological diversity remaining in a relationship with processes and geological, geomorphologic, hydrologic and soil structures, with eco-systems functioning mechanisms and the history of flora, fauna and vegetation changes.

A priority task in the field of environmental protection refers to the preservation of the natural bio-cenotic specificity of lakes, in particular lobelia lakes, peat-bogs and pine forests.

The purpose of inanimate nature protection refers to:

  • preserving natural processes and geological, geomorphologic, hydrological and soil structures;
  • hydrological system restoration;
  • preventing against trophia development as well as soil and water (surface and ground waters) acidification;
  • protection of soil against erosion and protection of peat deposits against degradation in case of the occurrence of threats.

The purpose of the Park eco-systems protection refers to:

  • undertaking measures to preserve natural diversity of habitats and, to the greatest possible degree, their mosaic character in the Park;
  • ensuring proper soil, water, light and thermal conditions, limiting atrophic pressure impacts;
  • supporting spontaneous succession processes,

And additionally:

in forest ecosystems:

  • ensuring natural and permanent growth for forest associations;
  • maintaining natural biological diversity and ecological processes in forest associations;
  • supporting natural restoration of species composition, age and space structure of tree stands in  autogenic forest phytocenoses;
  • limiting unfavorable phenomena and processes in secondary forest associations;
  • restoring tree stands destroyed by damage-making factors.

in non-forest land ecosystems:

  • maintaining sustainability of natural phytocenoses ;
  • maintaining semi-natural meadow eco-systems as the symptom of biological biodiversity of the nature of the Park;
  • restoring natural phytocenoses, with consideration to the need of protecting natural habitats, mushroom species, plants and animals as well as their habitats.

in water ecosystems:

  • ensuring conditions enabling the operation of water eco-systems (lakes and watercourses) as well as water and swamp eco-systems (peat-bogs, swamps, springfens, etc.) taking into consideration the tendency of their development;
  • stimulating the number increase in case of rare populations, endangered and vulnerable plant and animal species;
  • restoring species diversity of ichthyofauna proper for a given ecosystem.

The purpose of protecting species of fungi and plants as well as their habitats refers to:

  • maintaining species and habitat diversity;
  • maintaining and restoring habitats of endangered species;
  • preventing against foreign species expansion;
  • restoring lost floristic and phytocenotic  assets.

The purpose of protecting animal species and their habitats refers to:

  • ensuring the continuity of indigenous animal species existence;
  • ensuring conditions enabling increasing numbers of rare and endangered species;
  • restoring animal species, which disappeared from the area of the Park as a result of human activities;
  • restoring proper age and sex structure in populations of big mammals as well as maintaining the number of those animals, in a manner not jeopardizing the operation of biocenoses.

The purpose of protecting landscapes refers to:

  • preserving, maintaining or restoring scenic and esthetic values of the landscape;
  • preserving the existing mosaic of meadows, pastures, forests, woodlots and shrubs;
  • forming and preserving local cultural landscape.

The purpose of protecting cultural values refers to:

  • restoring, preserving and maintaining as well as popularizing cultural values of the Park;
  • preserving cultural identity of the area of the Park.