Bory Tucholskie National Park

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Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej
Fundusze Europejskie

The blue trail BY-1 6001n (165 km)

The blue bicycle trail starts in Bydgoszcz (0.0 km). Then the trail goes through Janowo, Koronowo, Nowy Jasiniec, Świekatowo, Bruchniewo, Klonowo, Szumiąca, Świt, Tuchola, Gołąbek, Woziwoda, Rytel, Mylof to Klosnowo. From there, taking the Black Road, we head for the “Bory Tucholskie” National Park. We join with the green trail of the Seven Lakes Stream, which we pass on the left hand side of the lobelia Wielkie Gacno Lake turning left. We go straight ahead by the Black Road to the north. We pass a bridge on the stream connecting the Płęsno and Główka Lakes. We cross the red hiking trail under the name of Julian Rydzkowski and again the green trail. We join the black hiking “Liaison” trail. Both routes lead to Drzewicz, where the bicycle trail turns left to Swornegacie, and from there we go to Chociński Młyn. This little settlement located at the road between Konarzyny - Swornegacie - Brusy, is gorgeously situated at the Chocina River, which flows from Gochy, and flows into the Karsińskie Lake. Gochy refers to the south –west part of the Kaszuby region. The settlement includes, among others, the building of the former forest management of Chociński Młyn dating back to the second half of XIX century, demonstrating neoclassicist features as well as the water mill dating back to 1750. Moreover, there is also a historic hut constructed in the second half of XIX century, reconstructed and renovated in 1926 and 1972. In Chociński Młyn we turn left. We go through Małe Swornegaci and then through Funka, Bachorze Charzykowy to Chojnice, where we end our tour (165 km).

The route of the trail